Vanity Fair’s Women on Women Edited by Radhika Jones with David Friend

Purchase a copy for yourself here! Vanity Fair’s Women on Women is a collection of essays from the magazine’s modern archives, profiles of women written by women, spanning from 1983 to the current day. In her introduction, the magazine’s current editor-in-cheif, Radhika Jones, quotes a proclamation from the magazine’s inaugural editor, “We hereby announce ourselves… Continue reading Vanity Fair’s Women on Women Edited by Radhika Jones with David Friend

The Revisioners by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton

Purchase a copy for yourself here! Margaret Wilkerson Sexton’s second novel, The Revisioners, is a sprawling multigenerational tale about the pain and wisdom that is passed on through generations. The book is centered on two perspectives and in two time periods, one being 1924, well into the Jim Crow south in New Orleans, and the… Continue reading The Revisioners by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton

The Need by Helen Phillips

Purchase a copy for yourself here! The Need is a genre-bending psychological thriller/family drama/speculative fiction novel that has been receiving rave reviews for its portrayal of the chaos surrounding identity and parenthood. The novel centers on Molly, a mother of two young children whose life seems to revolve around anticipating the needs of her children.… Continue reading The Need by Helen Phillips

My Sister the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! Oyinkan Braithwaite’s debut novel is a richly textured story concerned with loyalty and compassion imagined within the confines of tight crime-novel pacing. Braithwaite’s masterful prose and sharp wit gave me that rare feeling when I finished the novel that I had not actually taken a breath since starting it.… Continue reading My Sister the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! The Testaments is Margaret Atwood’s response to fans that have been clamoring for answers about the fate of characters from her 1985 classic, The Handmaid’s Tale. This original text has taken on a new relevance in the Trump Era, as the religious right has risen to prominence once again,… Continue reading The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

Marilou is Everywhere by Sarah Elaine Smith

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! Sarah Elaine Smith’s debut novel, Marilou is Everywhere, is a less than glamorous coming-of-age story about what it means to be an outsider in one’s own body. The novel, set in a quiet town in southwestern Pennsylvania, is told from the perspective of fourteen-year-old Cindy Stoat. Cindy’s mother often… Continue reading Marilou is Everywhere by Sarah Elaine Smith

The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! Ta-Nehisi Coates’ hotly anticipated debut novel The Water Dancer is a lyrical creation from one of America’s foremost cultural critics. Coates is a widely read essayist and former national correspondent for The Atlantic, the author of such nonfiction bestsellers as Between the World and Me and We Were Eight… Continue reading The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates

How We Fight for Our Lives by Saeed Jones

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! How We Fight for Our Lives is the debut memoir from award-winning poet and former Buzzfeed editor, Saeed Jones. Jones was born in Memphis, Tennessee and raised in Lewisville, Texas. The memoir is about what it means to be a black gay man in the South, and the survival… Continue reading How We Fight for Our Lives by Saeed Jones

Grand Union by Zadie Smith

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! Zadie Smith is a towering figure in world literature, widely regarded as one of the most individual voices and incisive observers in our society. She burst onto the scene in 2000 with her debut novel, White Teeth, and since then has been publishing across the fiction and nonfiction genres,… Continue reading Grand Union by Zadie Smith

Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! “For readers who’ve wondered what Susan Sontag would have been like if she had brain damage from the internet.” This claim appears on the inside jacket of Jia Tolentino’s debut essay collection, Trick Mirror. Tolentino is an established voice on the internet, a staff writer at The New Yorker,… Continue reading Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino