The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff

Lauren Groff’s latest novel, The Vaster Wilds, is an adventure/quest story that only Groff could write. The novel follows a young nameless girl, born in England and left at a poorhouse, who was brought on as a servant to a wealthy mistress in a great house. Our protagonist eventually embarks on the grueling journey to… Continue reading The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff

Matrix by Lauren Groff

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Lauren Groff brings readers back to the Middle Ages in her new novel, Matrix, a fiction loosely created around the life of the twelfth century nun and poet, Marie de France. In Groff’s novel, Marie is an 17 year old orphan, deemed unfit for marriage because she is a “great clumsy lunk” with a “giant… Continue reading Matrix by Lauren Groff