Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma by Claire Dederer

Separating the art from the artist is an age old debate, one that has been reignited in recent years after the tidal wave of MeToo revelations that many public figures and artists have used their public profile to victimize with impunity. Even artists whose disturbing misdeeds were known to the public for many years (Michael… Continue reading Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma by Claire Dederer

Grand Union by Zadie Smith

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! Zadie Smith is a towering figure in world literature, widely regarded as one of the most individual voices and incisive observers in our society. She burst onto the scene in 2000 with her debut novel, White Teeth, and since then has been publishing across the fiction and nonfiction genres,… Continue reading Grand Union by Zadie Smith

Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

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Purchase a copy for yourself here! “For readers who’ve wondered what Susan Sontag would have been like if she had brain damage from the internet.” This claim appears on the inside jacket of Jia Tolentino’s debut essay collection, Trick Mirror. Tolentino is an established voice on the internet, a staff writer at The New Yorker,… Continue reading Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino